NEWTON Media succeeded in another EU institution tender. Now it covers 55 countries and 40 languages.

50 states and 40 languages

Czech company NEWTON Media has won an international tender and will provide monitoring services to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) from December. It is already the fifth institution under the European Union for which NEWTON Media will process daily international media monitoring and media analysis.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control currently plays an important role in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since its outbreak, it has been monitoring and assessing potential risks and advising the Member States and the European Commission on how to react. Detailed monitoring of foreign media is crucial for such institution. The Czech company NEWTON Media has now won the ECDC international tender for media monitoring and media analysis. It succeeded in competing with six other major global monitoring companies.

„In such a demanding tender, we succeeded mainly due to the ability to cover the required number of countries that we can monitor together with our foreign branches and international partners. From December, we will supply ECDC with daily media monitoring from 33 countries and 24 languages,“ says Lucie Geislerová, Head of International department at NEWTON Media. „Monitoring for ECDC includes print media, online sources, as well as specialized health publications. The output will be a selection of relevant reports together with their summaries in English. We will also prepare semi-annual and annual qualitative and quantitative analyses, which will give the ECDC communication team feedback on the extent to which their cooperation with specific media is reflected in the institution’s media image,” adds Geislerová.

In addition to ECDC, NEWTON Media provides monitoring and media analysis to four other European institutions: the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), and the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).

Foreign monitoring for commercial companies
In addition to European institutions, NEWTON Media also provides foreign monitoring to commercial companies such as Zentiva. The pharmaceutical company is receiving monitoring of print, online, social media, and pharmaceutical and medical sources in 16 countries and 15 languages. NEWTON Media analysts read thousands of articles a month for this client, from which they select about a third of the relevant ones. They monitor KPIs and evaluate Zentiva’s communication goals and results. Each month, they provide the client with specific examples from the media coverage, based on which they will recommend improvements for the following period.

Another commercial client is Generali. NEWTON Media covers the entire region of Central and Eastern Europe, with 10 countries and 11 languages. Part of the monitoring is a daily report with an overview of how the brand and its competitors are doing and what are general news related to topics relevant to the company.

„The base of our international clients is too wide to name all of them, but to state some numbers it might be interesting to say that we currently monitor media in 55 countries and 40 languages,“ concludes Geislerová.

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